plastic free deodorant

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint: Switching to Plastic-Free Deodorant for Sustainable Beauty

 As the world becomes more aware of the impact of single-use plastics on the environment and our health, many people are seeking out alternatives to reduce their carbon footprint. While there has been progress with the rise of natural deodorant and personal care products, plastic encased products remains a huge area of concern.

Although more companies are making ethical choices to use only clean, vegan, and cruelty-free ingredients, many brands may be unintentionally putting us at risk when it comes to packaging. Package materials can contain toxic ingredients that can leach into the product. Therefore, it is crucial to inspect not only the product formulation for possible toxic ingredients, but also the packaging materials," explains Tony Vargas, former VP of Research and Development at Elizabeth Ardern.

The beauty and personal care industry creates 120 billion units of packaging every year, and it has been slow to develop ways to reduce waste that wreaks havoc on our environment. Beauty packaging is the number one contributor to plastic production in the world, with countless plastic bottles, tubes, and containers found in one bathroom alone.

When looking for clean, natural products, it's crucial to also seek out plastic-free options. Madame Lemy uses recycled materials, including BPA-free cardboard paper and aluminum foil, for their jars’ lining to preserve its natural scents derived from essential oils. The products are reusable and refillable with paper kraft refill bags available once the jar runs out. Madame Lemy's packaging is designed for women to use as a keepsake box, and many women repurpose it to store jewelry, makeup, and other items.

In addition to our dedication to sustainable packaging, Madame Lemy is a powder-only beauty brand, beginning with their all-purpose powder, which can be used as a deodorant, body powder, or dry shampoo. Madame Lemy powder ingredients are minerals found in the earth. Many liquid and gel products contain water and synthetic materials that may not be biodegradable and need preservatives to ensure their safety and stability to increase their shelf life. Powders do not have this issue.

Madame Lemy is committed to maintaining a low carbon footprint. We continue to develop and use sustainable packaging and ingredients to show that you don’t have to compromise aesthetic or luxury to make better products for consumer’s health or the environment.

Making the switch to plastic-free deodorant may seem like a small step, but it can have a big impact on your health and the environment. By choosing products made with natural ingredients and eco-friendly packaging, you can reduce your plastic waste and exposure to harmful chemicals while still staying fresh and confident.

Use code FIRSTLEMY to enjoy 10% off and start making a positive impact on the environment and your health today!


Holly Eve

Holly Eve

Madame Lemy CEO & Founder